Monday, 12 January 2015

PDF⋙ A Story of God and All of Us: A Novel Based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" by Roma Downey, Mark Burnett

A Story of God and All of Us: A Novel Based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" by Roma Downey, Mark Burnett

A Story of God and All of Us: A Novel Based on the Epic TV Miniseries The Bible

A Story of God and All of Us: A Novel Based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" by Roma Downey, Mark Burnett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


A STORY OF GOD AND ALL OF US is a sweeping narrative that dramatizes some of the most important events and characters in the Bible. The book reads like a fine novel, dramatizing the sweep of biblical events, making the men and women of scripture come alive in vivid detail and dialogue. All are historically and theologically accurate. A ten-hour miniseries on the History Channel will be based on the story, and the script has been reviewed by a number of Christian church leaders and seminarians for authenticity. The book will be released one month prior to the debut of the television series. Many prominent biblical characters will be dramatized in the story: Moses, David, Daniel, John the Baptist and of course, Jesus. The book will reveal the prophetic significance of the empires that controlled Israel: (Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians and Romans) and how these figured into biblical prophecy, especially concerning the Messiah.

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A Story of God and All of Us: A Novel Based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" by Roma Downey, Mark Burnett EPub

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