Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by Kaleem Mohammad Khan
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by Kaleem Mohammad Khan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery is a textbook designed for students of civil and mechanical engineering. It provides a clear understanding of the behaviour of fluids at both rest and motion, and further conversion into useful work. Using an experimental and demonstrative approach to explain concepts, the initial chapters of the book discuss the fundamental physics of fluids such as statics, kinematics, conservation equations, and boundary layer. The book, in subsequent chapters, presents the behaviour of fluids in pipe flow, open channel flow, and flow in compressible fluids, followed by an exclusive chapter on fluid machinery. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude, a concept to enhance analysis of units of different physical quantities and their interrelationships, is discussed as the last chapter.From reader reviews:
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